v1.6 [Dec 16, 2011]
Trade Blotter:
Each symbol being charted has its own trade blotter. User can enter buy/sell trades into the trade blotter (log). The blotter is saved in the CX7 file. Profits for each buy/sell pair are displayed as well as total profits for all trades. This function allows you to keep track of all your trades. Also a great way to test the system with dry trades using imaginary funds.
Neural Network Lock:
User can now lock the neural networks. When locked no adjustments can be made to the networks. A password has to be entered to unlock. The lock status is saved in the CX7 file. Effectively the networks in a CX7 file can be made read only after you have established good network topology and training.
Variable Data Download History:
User can now select how many years worth of data gets downloaded when a new symbol is entered.
More CSV Data Import Formats:
Added support for these comma delimited formats, some can be presented in any order:
DATE, CLOSE (any order)
DATE, HIGH, LOW (any order)
DATE, HIGH, LOW, CLOSE (any order)
DATE, OPEN, HIGH, LOW, CLOSE (only this order)
DATE, OPEN, HIGH, LOW, CLOSE, VOLUME (only this order)